Mastering Age of Empires 4: Unlock success with the top beginner-friendly civilizations!

Mastering Age of Empires 4: Unlock success with the top beginner-friendly civilizations!

by chouayeb 2023/12/29 13:46

Getting the hang of a game like Age of Empires 4, especially a popular and historically accurate real-time strategy game, can take some time. The game provides tutorials, but becoming skilled at it requires practice. No one wants to go online and face expert opponents, only to be defeated due to a lack of experience. To get better at Age of Empires 4, players can practice in campaign mode or online skirmishes. But it's crucial to know which civilization is best for beginners. While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, some civilizations are more forgiving for newcomers. These beginner-friendly civilizations allow players to make mistakes while learning the game's essential mechanics.

6. English
The English civilization is an excellent choice for beginners. It's the civilization developers recommend for new players, providing a gradual learning curve from managing resources with humble villagers to advancing through the ages. The goal is to reach the castle age, offering upgrades that help beginners understand the faction's specific bonuses.
6. Normans
In the campaign mode, players often start with the Norman campaign, controlling the English and the campaign-exclusive faction, the Normans. This allows players to learn about micromanagement through unique missions with specific winning conditions. Playing the Norman campaign is a great way for beginners to develop skills before venturing into online skirmishes.
4 French
The French civilization, set in Medieval France, offers another beginner-friendly option. With a focus on trade mechanics and resource management, it provides a different playstyle from all-out warfare. The French civilization allows new players to navigate through the ages effortlessly, emphasizing economic aspects of the game.
3. Holy Roman Empire
Understanding water maps is crucial in Age of Empires 4, and the Holy Roman Empire is ideal for this. With bonuses like increased ship speed and the ability to heal military ships, beginners can learn about naval combat without significant consequences. The civilization's reliance on religious units also introduces players to a different aspect of the game.
2. Mongols
While considered challenging for expert players, the Mongolian civilization has advantages for beginners. The ability to accrue gold quickly by setting enemy buildings alight provides a unique strategy to explore. Learning how to use additional resources, especially focusing on cavalry, is a valuable lesson for players.
1. Chinese
The Chinese civilization offers a unique defensive playstyle, making it suitable for beginners. With perks like faster construction of defensive buildings and overall quicker building construction, players can batten down the hatches and learn controls at their own pace. It's a good choice for those who prefer a more defensive approach to the game. In Age of Empires 4, available on PC and Xbox Series X, choosing the right civilization can significantly impact the learning experience for beginners.



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